by Kate
You are welcome to a unique creative space of peace, to meditate on the seasons, draw, paint and write in comfort, inspired by your own life. Time to discover your experiences, hopes and dreams. A pause to brew and grow. The morning is mostly life coaching/...
by Kate
Spring arrives with the first flush of snowdrops and blackthorn blossom in the hedges. Robins sing their hearts out in the bare trees, and lambs frolic in the field next to our home. It can feel like a long winter when the weather is misty and grey, but when the sun...
by Kate
The winter solstice is only a week away on 21st December. A special space before Christmas to stop for a moment of contemplation: To light a candle in the dark or go outside and if it’s a clear night look up at the sky beyond the earth to connect into the beautiful,...
by Kate
Creativity lifted me to take flight time and time again. I remember during times of intense learning when revising for exams, dissertations, times of transition like becoming a mother or loss I found myself creating to find peace amongst the pressure. Creativity...
by Kate
I have always enjoyed writing diaries and journals. I ventured into Journal Groups and found a new world of art combined with journalling that I loved. Within this, I discovered like minded people who had an openness and delight in creativity. I found my writing was...